Artist: Kodo
New Age

Mondo Head
Year: 2002
Tracks: 11

Live at the Acropolis Athens Greece
Year: 2000
Tracks: 7

Sai So
Year: 1999
Tracks: 10

Year: 1997
Tracks: 10

Year: 1996
Tracks: 6

The Hunted - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Year: 1995
Tracks: 15

Live At Acropolis
Year: 1995
Tracks: 7

Best Of KODO
Year: 1993
Tracks: 8

Best Of
Year: 1993
Tracks: 8

Blessing Of The Earth
Year: 1989
Tracks: 7

Year: 1988
Tracks: 7

Tracks: 7

Traditional Japanese Music
Tracks: 40

Blessing the Earth.
Tracks: 1
Kodo is a Japanese grouping that has become an international phenomenon, based on the island of Sado, that has taken the universe by storm with their new stylings on semi-traditional taiko drumming. Founded in 1981, the group's key out has three-fold signification; according to the group, it translates both to "twinkling -- the primal source of all rhythm," and "children of the drum, a manifestation of Kodo's desire to play their drums only, with the heart of a child." The grouping spends one-third of an average year touring in Japan, third touring the rest of the creation, and one-third in rigorous workouts in their hamlet on Sado. They have toured in all continents demur Antarctica in their attempts to facing pages universe pacification via the messenger of music. Among their projects, aside from straightforward taiko performances, are a collaboration with raw eld synthesiser genius Isao Tomita for Nasca Fantasy, instructing the über-eclectic Cirque du Soleil in taiko for their have performances, the soundtrack for The Hunted, and a yearly "Earth Celebration" festival on Sado for percussionists from around the universe to pay heed. They ar ambassadors of peace through music and the current summit bearers of the living art form of taiko drumming.